An eZPlatform bundle to let your contributor manage their website menus.
Add NovaeZMenuManagerBundle in your composer.json:
composer require novactive/ezmenumanagerbundle
Register the bundle in your application's kernel class:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Novactive\EzMenuManagerBundle\EzMenuManagerBundle(),
// ...
Add the following routing config
resource: "@EzMenuManagerBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
Menu types are defined thougth the following siteaccess aware variable
<identifier>: <string or translation key>
main: menu.type.main
footer: menu.type.footer
First create a new menu in the "Menu manager" interface
While editing a menu, you will be able to define the following properties :
Once a menu has been created, you can add the "Menu item" fieldtype to the content types you want to be able to add links to the menus.
Then when publishing a content having the "Menu item" fieldtype, you can select in which menu you want to add a link to the content.