Novactive Nova eZ Platform Bundles

Novactive eZ Slack Bundle


Installation steps

There are 2 phases:

  • Create the Slack Application for your workspace.
  • Install the Bundle and configure it according to the Slack application.

Slack Application

First you need to create a Slack app here:

Once created you need to go through some steps to connect it to your eZ Platform, you should see this screen.


Let's go on the first item in the middle of the page "Add features and functionality".


You will have to do something in each of this circled items above.

Incoming Webhooks


That is basically here that you are going to configure how eZ will be able to send Message in your channel(s).

1 webhook == 1 channel, of course you can create multiple Incoming Webhooks and setup the bundle to send Message in each of them.

Config in the notifications.channels array

Interactive Components

On the left select "Interactive Components" and provide an URL to your website(a callback). That is the first URL on which Slack will communicate with eZ.

Just change the "HOST" in the following, this bundle provides the routes, you should fill in something like:



keep the /_novaezslack/message suffix that is mandatory.

Slash Commands


Still on the left "Slash Commands" and provide an URL to your website(a callback). That is the second URL on which Slack will communicate with eZ (for Commands this time).


The command /command is up to you, it is not mandatory to use /ez. For the Request URL, just change the "HOST" in the following, this bundle provides the routes, you should fill in something like:


OAuth & Permissions

One more step to set the OAuth authentication, on the left "OAuth & Permissions", make sure to provide a valid URL.


The real callback is https://HOST/_novaezslack/auth/check but you don't want to set that up as you want to manage multiple SiteAccess then it is fine just to mention the base url here.


Add the lib to your composer.json, run composer require novactive/ezslackbundle to refresh dependencies.

Register the bundle

Then inject the bundle in the bundles.php of your application.

    JMS\SerializerBundle\JMSSerializerBundle::class => [ 'all'=> true ],
    KnpU\OAuth2ClientBundle\KnpUOAuth2ClientBundle::class => [ 'all'=> true ],
    Novactive\Bundle\eZSlackBundle\NovaeZSlackBundle::class => [ 'all'=> true ],

If you already have JMSSerializerBundle or KnpUOAuth2ClientBundle do not add them a second time.

Add routes

Make sure you add this route to your routing:

# app/config/routing.yml

    resource: "@NovaeZSlackBundle/Controller"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /_novaezslack

    path: /_novaezslack/auth/check

Add configuration

Make sure you adapt the configuration

# app/config/config.yml

            slack_client_id: "SLACK_APP_CLIENT ID"
            slack_client_secret: "SLACK_APP_CLIENT_SECRET"
            slack_verification_token: "SLACK_APP_VERIFICATION_TOKEN"
            site_name: ""
            favicon: ""
            asset_prefix: ""
                    - ""

            type: slack
            redirect_route: _novaezslack_slack_oauth_check
            client_id: "#" # will be overridden by ConfigResolver - this value does not matter
            client_secret: "#" # will be overridden by ConfigResolver - this value does not matter

Add a Guard Authenticator to your Firewall

In order to enable the Slack Connect you need to change your Firewall

# app/config/security.yml

                    - Novactive\Bundle\eZSlackBundle\Security\SlackAuthenticator

Add Rebuild the CSS etc.

A simplication to run all the good commands (assets, dumps etc.).

composer install

Awesome! Your are done!

Updated on 07--20--2023 10:03:23